
A measure of craft, a spoonful of inspiration, and a dash of creativity are all combined in the creation of some of the finest pieces of culinary art. Cooking is usually portrayed as an elaborate art. But, in addition to the artistry, food is often created by chefs venturing out to craft some of the most unusual flavors that most consumers crave.

About me:


Hello and welcome! My name is Julie and I do the cooking, writing, eating, and photography. I’m a chemist and a food enthusiast with an appetite for almost anything and the energy to experiment with whatever that is in front of me.

My style of cooking is improv and I usually don’t follow recipes because I’m always experimenting and improvising in the kitchen to make the recipes my perfect anecdotes to cure hunger pains. I believe that your kitchen is a place to be creative and productive. I love venturing out of my comfort zone to make things that I normally would never think of making. There are so many delicious and fundamental ingredients in this world that we do not know about. I love to try new ingredients as well as combinations that sometimes make my jaw drop. It’s fun and I try not to worry about the failures because I try to learn from them to find my creativity. Food is about the experience it brings to you and to those who you share it with, so, no one can say what is right or wrong.

I appreciate your part in taking the time to reading my blog and hope you enjoy the recipes and stories I share with you all! If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to send me a message.

101 Comments Add yours

  1. Ngan R. says:

    Julie, this is a lovely blog and I look forward to reading and trying your creations.

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you for taking the time to visit! I hope you get to try some of the recipes. I love sharing my random recipes and hope you enjoy them 🙂

  2. 9agz3 says:

    Great About page! Sounds like this will be an enjoyable blog! Thanks for visiting and following my blog!

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! It’s enjoying writing all these recipes and constantly experimenting in the kitchen. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you get to try some of the recipes!

  3. Thank you for “finding” me… It is very interesting and how I share so many common situation and interest (cooking-wise) with you – I created stuff (in the past) and forgot to write them down. Eventually, each time I found I was creating something I just write it down on my recipe note so I won’t miss it, and yes, the recipes evolve, too! Never thought I’d go into culinary world as much as I do the other arts but it is indeed a beautiful challenge:). I’m very pleased to meet you, Julie

    1. juliewold says:

      it’s crazy how you forget your recipes so quick, I would make the same cookie recipe three times and I still forget my measurements. Writing this blog helps me be innovative and remember my recipes. I still tend to forget to write some recipes down, so you are way ahead of me! Thank you for visiting my blog. Looking forward to reading more of your wonderful blogs and getting to know you.

  4. Violet says:

    Hi Julie! Thanks for visiting my blog and following me. 🙂 I’m happy to meet you here, and I must say, I’m looking forward to more of your recipes! Your recipe photos are beautiful and appetizing! 😉 I love your little slogan for your blog too: “a spoonful of inspiration & a dash of creativity”..so awesome!! Happy creative cooking!! 😀

    1. juliewold says:

      It’s always fun to get connected with other bloggers and see all the creatively that many have to offer. I really enjoyed reading your healthy recipes, they look delicious and effortless! Thank you for visiting and following my blog!

  5. scolgin says:

    Awesome Julie, look forward to reading about your culinary journey! Cheers, //s

  6. saigonsays says:

    This is a mesmerising blog – just fab! Thanks for the ‘like’ earlier and enjoy today. Tim

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! I enjoy writing the blog and trying to post as many good photos as I can. Happy blogging!

  7. Lovely. Thank you for the like on the boy who never had ice cream. =)

    1. juliewold says:

      It was a very intriguing post, I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for stopping by and happy blogging 🙂

  8. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for checking out my apple-picking post. Your food photography is lovely – can’t wait to try the whole wheat chocolate & butterscotch cookies.
    Noelle from http://noellereally.com/

    1. juliewold says:

      I have never been apple picking before so I was interested in your post. It looked like it would be a lot of fun with all those apples you picked. Thank you for stopping by! Let me know how the cookies turn out 🙂

  9. Hi Julie! I love your blog. The look and feel is so well done. I know you’ve put a lot into everything, and it really shows. I have some green tomatoes in my garden with your jalapeño-cilantro dressing recipe all over them. I will let you know how it all comes out!

  10. Capt Jill says:

    Hi Julie,
    Thanks for stopping by and liking my post on the white chocolate lemon truffles. I haven’t had a chance to try them yet myself but they do look so good.
    I’m enjoying looking at some of your recipes too. 🙂

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! They looked delicious! I’m currently on the hunt for a good truffle recipe and yours looked great.

      1. Capt Jill says:

        let me know how they turn out 😉

  11. beckarooney says:

    You have a great site, I love cooking and trying out new food ideas too – even if the results are unsuccessful! Looking forward to reading your posts 🙂 x

  12. Julie, You’ve done a stunning job with both the photography and the writing. I’m looking forward to your posts.

  13. ashleymarie says:

    Really enjoyed reading through your blog, and excited to try out some of your recipes! I am trying to get more comfortable with “improving” in the kitchen…but usually find myself sticking to the recipe. baby steps, I guess 🙂

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! Even if you follow a recipe you are still making something that is yours! My mom always likes to tell me, it’s not the recipe that matters it’s the hands that made it. So, I’m sure you are doing great, recipe or not 🙂

      1. ashleymarie says:

        Haha so true 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement!

  14. improvartz says:

    Hi Julie! Just wanted to know that I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! 😀 (http://improvartz.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/huh-liebster-award-_/) I have enjoyed reading your posts and will continue to do so.

  15. Hi Julie- What a deliciously awesome blog you have! Can’t wait to follow!

    Much success!

  16. Great header photograph! Nice and clean. I’m always playing with mine & it’s never quite right.

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! What also makes a big difference is the background too 🙂 Took me forever to find the right one!

  17. Bonjour Julie. A pleasure to meet another ‘scientist’ – happy to live on the dangerous side of experimenting. Leading with intuition and inspiration – much more satisfying. Don’t need to leave any part of yourself behind. Dig reading anyone’s ‘lab notes’ – promises to reveal ‘The Great Work’ or at the very least, how to avoid messing up in the Kitchen. Will return – for the loot! Peace Out! Imogen

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! My kitchen is my lab and I enjoy experimenting with food to see what works and what doesn’t. All it takes is a little bit of chemistry to make the right dish. Thank you for stopping by!

  18. heatherellisbooks says:

    I love your blog!

  19. Looks like a great blog! Blessings!

  20. Melissa says:

    I can’t resist a blog with beautiful food photography!

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! I’m slowly learning and am truly happy that others like you can enjoy my photography. 🙂

  21. John says:

    Julie, your food looks delicious!

  22. Rant4u says:

    Looking forward to trying one of your recipes, they look very good. Cheers!

  23. Sandy Gerichten says:

    Hi Julie,
    Your recipes look delicoous! Can’t wait to try a few this weekend . I actually found you on Instagram, someone liked a photo and being a foodie myself I had to see what it was and get the recipe! I am also a Chaldean girl from San Diego living in Virginia ( shirlington to be exact) and my husband is in the Marine Corps, just had to tell you that your blog is fantastic !!! Look forward to following !

    1. juliewold says:

      That’s awesome! You’re pretty close to where I live. It’s very rare that I hear about a Chaldean living in Virginia, they usually migrate to Detroit or San Diego 🙂 . When I tell people I’m Chaldean in VA, they never understand what I say, so I gave up and just say I’m Iraqi now haha. Thank you for following my blog. Let me know how the recipes turn out!

  24. Hi Julie – your blog looks great! We look forward to following it and utilizing some of those recipes! 🙂

  25. writingthebody says:

    \What scrumptious looking food you have here….my goodness.

  26. Your blog looks amazing. I’m going to follow it – maybe I can learn new ways of cooking! 🙂

  27. mwitasblog says:

    You are a wonderful writer, too!

  28. D.J. Lutz says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have been blogging about food for a few years and was finally (in print no less) termed a “foodie” last month. I am sure with such a great blog, you will be such very soon. In fact, I would say you are already one! As for Virginia, I am on the tip of the Eastern Shore. I am not sure many here know about Chaldeans, but you should hold on to your heritage. It is who you are! Thanks again for stopping by. I will try to repay the favor on occasion myself.

  29. bezzymates says:

    Beautiful blog. Can’t wait to discover and try out your recipes.

  30. scumlikeuschurch says:

    love your sight, my wife is by the book exactly and i’m throwing it together, problem is when i make something really good 6 months later i can’t repeat it.
    thanks and God bless for stopping by

  31. I feel like I’m just repeating what others have said, but you do have a beautiful blog. I mean esthetically it is extremely pleasing to the eye 🙂 Keep up the great work and thanks again for visiting!

  32. thewryowl says:

    Um, everything looks amazing on here. You may have answered this before, but do you do your own photography? Everything looks so yummy and I’ve only been on your page for like 5 minutes! lol. A ton of stuff I’m down to try though for sure. Keep on inspiring!!

    1. juliewold says:

      Thank you! Yes, I do all the photography, I’m slowly learning the do’s and dont’s of photographing food and Figuring out how to use my new camera. I want to say it’s a lot more work photographing than it is making the food!

  33. skinbycarrielorrain says:

    I wish you lived closer to me! We have parties at the spa and your delicious treats would an amazing treat for our staff and clients! I may have to break down and try to make a few myself… Thank you for the great posts.

  34. Sugarcrush says:

    I’d always been a lazy cook until I was well into my 50’s, when I retired and actually had the time to learn to cook. Your blog is giving me some great ideas. Keep up the good work!

  35. Your blog looks yummy! Looking forward to trying out some of your recipes!

  36. oureverydayadventures365 says:

    Your photography is stunning

  37. Chrissy says:

    I’m alwways looking for new food blogs and your’s is very appealing.

  38. Kenny and Shamus says:

    Looking forward to reading your posts!

  39. Looking forward to trying some of your recipes, those photos look great!

  40. kefichef says:

    Julie, love your beautiful blog!

  41. magdik.com says:

    Great Blog Juliewold, I like cooking and I will definitely visit this blog again and again.

    Good Luck Julie

  42. Matt says:

    What a fantastic blog, I look forward to reading every post from here on in 🙂

  43. deardenver says:

    Hiya! Have you ever thought about adding a ‘vegetarian’ tag to your vegetarian recipes? Your site looks great, and I would love to be able to filter just the veggie dishes. Just a thought…keep up the good work!

    1. juliewold says:

      Hi! Yes of course! I’m slowly building my recipe index, but for the few vegetarian dishes I currently have, I will have a tag for them and you can just click on the vegetarian or veggie tag on the right and you will get the filtered recipes 🙂 I promise to post more vegetarian recipes, my next post is actually going to be a vegetarian dish! Thank you for stopping by.

      1. deardenver says:

        No worries! Your site looks great and I was just thinking since more and more peeps are veggie these days, it could be helpful for them to find the appropriate recipes 🙂

  44. Marika says:

    Hey Julie! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog “Just in Season”. I just browsed over your recipes and they are sounding so yummy. And your pics are fantastic…will follow you as well 🙂

  45. Hi Julie! We definitely share a passion in cooking. I will have to send you some recipes and in the meantime, I am checking yours out! Do you attend any public cooking contests? If so, where?

    1. juliewold says:

      No cooking contests for me lol. I’m just a chemist who likes to experiment in the kitchen to see what flavors work together, if they work then great! On the blog they go! 🙂

      1. Nice. I rarely follow recipes and also just throw things together and if they work, then it’s a success! I like your methods!

  46. Julie I love your blog and look forward to reading more! Thank you for checking out my site, and I look forward to hearing more from you 🙂

  47. thanks for sharing your recipes. to paraphrase shakespeare, food is the music of love. it certainly makes life worth living.

  48. mmmfoodies says:

    Hi Julie! Thanks for finding my blog and following! It got me to your blog and I’m hooked! You have some tasty looking vegetarian stuff I need to make for my vegetarian! Much like you, I tend to create as I go, except for baking and canning, which require a little more accuracy and science. I cooked professionally many years ago, but never considered myself a “chef”…always had to follow someone else’s recipes. But I learned great skills. I also used to collect and read cookbooks and cooking magazines. I still read several magazines monthly. I never really used them for recipes, as much as inspiration though. And, like you, I have created some wonderful dishes over the years that I couldn’t *quite* replicate, because there was no recipe! By blogging, I am FORCING myself to document and measure everything! My photos aren’t professional, but everything is real! I look forward to keeping up with your blog! As I’m writing, I just heard the *ping* of a canning jar lid sealing on my small batch of crabapple butter…love that sound! Well…it’s late and I tend to ramble. No,,,really ;o) So, again, thanks for looking!

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