The Perfect Pumpkin Bread

It’s October! It may not be the nice October that I am used to but… ITS FREAKING OCTOBER! You know what that means, the start of the baking season. Even better? Cooler weather! Well kind of. It rained the past two days and do you know the first thing I did when I saw raindrops…

Salted Caramel Autumn Brittle

Ahh fall, oh how I love thee. When you feel that crisp breeze, you know that summer is gone and fall is in the air. Every season has an upside to it, but autumn? It has a particular beauty to it that everyone can relate to. Fall has a unique ability to turn the world…

The Deconstructed Sushi Bowl

I LOVE sushi. Like I have said in my previous posts before, if I could eat it everyday I absolutely would. The price? Not so much. The work that comes with it if you decide to make it at home? Don’t even get me started. So, because of my cheap and lazy bad habits, alas…

Honey Dijon Beet Salad with Chevre Cheese

I’ve met my fair share of beet haters in my time (my husband being one of them) and I have a perfect track record of converting them once I actually get them to try something made with fresh beets. When I bring up the word “beets” to anyone, I automatically see a wrinkle in their…

Basil Limeade

It’s been getting hot and muggy lately. Not that type where it’s dry-hot, but super sticky-humid hot. And when it’s this hot I always get a sudden urge to quench my thirst with lemonade. So I walk over to my fridge, open it up and… LIMES… Gross… No lemons? Well… Ugh… FINE I’ll make limeade…

Basil and Walnut Pesto

I wish I could say my basil is growing like a weed this summer, instead it’s doing the opposite. It’s short, skinny and just looks so depressing. I mean what can I say, I do have the black thumb of death. I guess it’s just one of my curses that I will have to endure…